Ok, here we go again. Sorry I missed last week, but that's how it goes sometimes. Also, this week we have a guest reviewer, and his name is Viktor Kalvachev. Just scroll down a bit to see his side of things. I hope to get other guest reviewers in the future.
Kill it with FIRE! Seriously, who buys these books!?! All this cover is missing is glitter and a full bedazzled treatment. Like I said, KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!
OK, we get it. You had a great photo of the actress, but crapped out on finding a reference photo of a guy sitting at a bar holding a pacifier. So your solution was to just making him up outta your head. Oh, and for good measure, lets make him cross-eyed.
Arty and moody only works if it's engaging. This is not. A dark face and a photo negative of a house doesn't make me want to buy this book. An equivalent to this cover would be a teenager dressing like Robert Smith of the Cure while listening to Miley Cyrus while quoting something from the Twilight books.